Why Do You Roll Insulin Vials?
What is Insulin?
Insulin is a solution wherein insulin proteins are dissolved in water. The protein solids settle out of solution when the vial is stored. This is why you may see a layer of white settled at the bottom of the vial when you remove it from a refrigerator.
How to Mix Insulin
Mixing the proteins back into the solution is a delicate procedure. It is recommended that the user gently roll the bottle of insulin back and forth between her hands until the solids are no longer distinguishable from the liquid.
Mixing is necessary to ensure proper insulin concentrations. If the solution is not mixed, or not thoroughly mixed, the insulin concentration may be more or less than the dosage required to maintain your health.
Why Not Shake?
Shaking the vial vigorously creates air bubbles, making it harder to draw the correct amount of insulin into the syringe.
Rolling insulin to mix it applies only to NPH, Lente and Ultralente insulin. Other insulin does not have to be rolled.