What Are the Treatments for Diabetes?

Although there are different types of diabetes, they are all characterized by high blood glucose levels. Type 1 and type 2 are chronic conditions, and all types can have significant negative effects on health. Many treatments are the same for all types of diabetes.
  1. Diet

    • A doctor should oversee the diet of anyone with diabetes. In general, though, requirements aren't too different from commonly recommended healthy diets. Diabetics need a lot of whole grains, fruit and vegetables and should watch their sugar, fat and calorie intake.


    • One of the keys to treating and controlling diabetes is regular cardiovascular exercise. About half an hour all or most days is typically considered optimal. Aerobic exercise lowers both blood sugar levels and the body's need for insulin.

    Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels

    • Diabetics must continually monitor and keep a record of their blood sugar levels. Understanding what brings about dangerous increases in individual blood glucose levels is one of the most fundamental aspects of treating and controlling diabetes.


    • All patients with type 1 diabetes, and some with type 2, require insulin supplements to help control blood glucose levels. Usually, insulin is administered intravenously, but occasionally an insulin pump, which runs under the abdominal skin, is used.


    • Various medications are used in treating diabetes. The two most common types either increase pancreatic production of insulin or slow the liver's production of glucose.

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