A List of Unhealthy Foods for a Diabetic
Soda is bad for anyone, but it is especially bad for diabetics. A 12-ounce can of regular soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. Even moderate, chronic ingestion of soda can interfere with the absorption of potassium, which can damage the kidneys, according to the American College of Physicians, Internal Medicine Division. Diabetics are already prone to renal failure. Diet soda isn't a solution, either, because of questions regarding the safety of artificial sweeteners, especially for diabetics. Artificial sweeteners can lead to poorer control of blood sugar levels, along with exacerbating diabetic complications, including retinopathy, cataracts and neuropathy, according to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a medical doctor who established Mercola.com, a website that focuses on natural health.
Potatoes are not a healthy choice for diabetics, particularly if they are fried as a potato chip or a french fry. Potatoes are high in starch, which turns into sugar during digestion. Starchy foods raise blood sugar levels, causing an increased need for insulin that the diabetic can't naturally produce. Fried potato products also contain acrylamide, which is a carcinogen. In addition, many products still use transaturated fats for frying. Trans fats are linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.
Doughnuts and most other pastries cause uncontrolled blood sugar levels. The products typically are made from refined sugar and bleached flour. During digestion, doughnuts and baked goods turn to glucose, causing blood sugar levels to spike.
Diabetics should limit sodium intake because sodium can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure is often diagnosed in conjunction with diabetes, and diabetics are prone to higher blood pressure levels, along with heart disease. Processed lunch meats and canned soups contain some of the highest levels of sodium in any foods. Diabetics should eat those foods only in moderation.
Sauces of all types--including BBQ, sweet and sour, salad dressing and gravy--should be consumed in small quantities, if at all. Most sauces contain high levels of sugar or high fructose corn syrup and sodium. Sauces can be the downfall of a healthy diabetic diet, because they are part of so many foods, and most of us never give much thought to what might be in the 1 to 2 tablespoons of sauce covering our food. Eating too many sauces can lead to high blood pressure and poor blood sugar control.