Test for Low Blood Sugar
Low Blood Sugar
Low blood sugar is when there is a lower amount of glucose in the blood than is safe for the body. Glucose is the substance in the blood that sends the energy obtained by food throughout our body. When there is too little glucose in the blood, the body can begin to function poorly, lose function or die. Maintaining a balanced blood sugar level is important to keep yourself healthy.
Testing your blood sugar level is simple. Medline Plus defines the process: "Blood is typically drawn from a vein, usually from the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand. The site is cleaned with germ-killing medicine [antiseptic] ... Next, the health care provider gently inserts a needle into the vein. The blood collects into an airtight vial or tube attached to the needle." After taking your blood, the doctor or technician bandages your arm and reads your blood sugar by using a machine that tests the glucose in your blood.
Blood sugar tests are used for many reasons. Lab Tests Online (see References) states that glucose testing is often used on healthy people to test for diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetes often begins with few obvious symptoms. Tests are often done on people with a family history of diabetes, overweight people, and those who are over the age of 45. It is also done to test for hyperglycemia, which is another cause of low blood sugar. Blood sugar testing is regularly done on people with diabetes so they can balance their blood sugar. Pregnant women are also given the test often.
The test results mean different things depending on the person and the situation. Lab Tests Online states that high levels of glucose often indicates diabetes. The results also depend on the test taken. Generally, results of more than 126 mg/dL are a strong indication of diabetes or hyperglycemia. Results of less than 70 mg/dL are an indication of hypoglycemia. The results vary based on what you have eaten recently, your age, and the exact test taken. Do not jump to any conclusions based on self-reading without first consulting a doctor.
The risks of a blood sugar test are low, but present. Medline Plus reports that there may be some difficulty in obtaining a sample due to vein size and location. People with smaller veins will be more difficult to test. This can lead to bruising, if the poke has to be attempted more than once or adjusted. Other risks include excessive bleeding, fainting or lightheadedness, hematoma or infection.