Normal Diabetes Sugar Level
Acceptable or Normal Blood Sugar Level
It is possible to know blood sugar levels by carrying out specific tests. The amount of blood sugar depends on certain conditions, such as the time the test is taken. This is also affected by food eaten prior to carrying out the test. There are blood sugar levels that are acceptable and are said to be normal.
The Range
On waking up and before eating anything, the blood sugar level should be about 80 to 120, and as a result any tests, taken before any meals should result reflect that same level. When carrying out the test after any meal, your blood sugar level should be 160 or less. At bedtime, the acceptable level is about 100 to 140. Blood sugar levels below or above this range should be a cause for alert.
The blood sugar level is tested using a blood sample taken from the tip of the index finger. This can be done in a hospital under a doctor's supervision. The sample is taken to a laboratory where more analysis is done. This is usually carried out under a doctor´s orders. It is possible to carry out tests at home using a blood glucose meter. This is a simple-to-use home kit that is designed for easy testing. It allows people to monitor blood sugar levels regularly and compare with what is acceptable.
Maintaining Normal Blood Sugar Level
There are suitable ways of keeping blood sugar levels at a normal range. This is accomplished by following a healthy lifestyle. It mainly involves eating wholesome and natural foods that don't spike or cause drastic change in the amount of sugar in the blood. It is recommended to eat a balanced diet made of whole meal carbohydrates, fresh and natural vegetables and good sources of protein. A regular and consistent physical fitness program can help maintain normal sugar blood levels as it controls the amount of glucose in the body.
Most people suffer from diabetes as a result of poor choices in diet and living a sedentary lifestyle. It is important to have regular medical checkups. Seeing a doctor and carrying out a detailed analysis of blood sugar levels helps in arresting a problem before its gets serious.
What to Do
There are steps that can be followed to maintain normal sugar blood levels. Wear proper-fitting shoes, as wrong-sized shoes can cause serious foot problems in diabetics. A sore on the feet that doesn't heal quickly or effectively can be a sign of the condition. Seeking medical attention as soon as symptoms show up can prevent the condition from getting serious.