Side Effects of Apidra
Common Side Effects
There are various common side effects associated with Apidra. These side effects are generally considered to be mild, as they tend to subside as the body adapts to the medicine. However, if the side effects subsist or if they intensify, medical attention might be necessary. These side effects include gaining weight, itchiness, redness or swelling where the medicine was injected and pits or thickening of the skin where the medicine was injected.
Severe Side Effects
Severe side effects can occur due to Apidra. In cases of severe side effects, individuals should immediately seek medical attention. These potentially harmful side effects include blurry vision, difficulty sleeping, nightmares, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, tingling within the tongue, feet, hands or the lips, headache, trouble with concentration, confusion, slurred speech, sweating, rapid heartbeat, unsteady walking, dizziness, feeling lightheaded, drowsiness and shakiness.
Severe Allergic Reactions
Severe allergic reactions are also a possibly dangerous side effect of Apidra. In cases of allergic reaction, it is crucial to seek emergency medical assistance as soon as possible. These allergic reactions are difficulty breathing, wheezing, body rash, shortness of breath, sweating, rapid pulse and faintness (because of low blood pressure).
Hypoglycemia is another possibly harmful side effect of Apidra. In cases of extremely low blood sugar, individuals run the risk of becoming unconscious, fainting, experiencing seizures and even dying. It is vital for individuals taking Apidra to talk to their doctor (and get tested) if they feel like they might have symptoms of low blood sugar.
It is important for people taking this medication to know that alcohol might have an affect on their glucose levels. Also, if an individuals plans on driving or operating heavy machinery while taking Apidra, they must be particularly careful as the medicine could cause them to have problems with paying sufficient attention and reacting in a timely manner. Individuals are often advised against driving or operating machinery until they know exactly what kind of effect the medicine will have on them.