Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Food Choices
One of the best ways to prevent type 2 diabetes is to watch what you eat. Decrease your intake of meat and dessert foods while increasing fruits and vegetables. When you eat meat, choose lean cuts. A diet rich in whole grains is much better than one with a lot of processed carbohydrates. Adding fish and dried beans can also help prevent diabetes, as can switching to non-fat dairy products. Watch your portion sizes as well, since excessive amounts of even healthy foods is bad for you.
Smoking and Drinking
The Wellsphere blog reports that people who smoke are 50 percent to 90 percent more likely to develop diabetes than nonsmokers. If you do smoke, quitting reduces your risk substantially. Limiting alcohol consumption can also help prevent diabetes. Moderate amounts of alcohol may actually help your body use insulin more efficiently, but excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided. Generally, it is suggested that men limit themselves to one alcoholic drink a day and women limit themselves to one drink every other day.
Although many of us find it difficult, staying active and maintaining a healthy weight are key to diabetes prevention. Being overweight is the No. 1 contributing factor in developing type 2 diabetes. You don't have to spend your entire life at the gym to reduce your diabetes risk -- if you are overweight, losing just 7 percent to 10 percent of your body weight may be enough. Staying active doesn't have to involve intense, grueling workouts, either. Walking, dancing and even roller skating count as physical activity. Simply taking the stairs or parking a bit farther from the store can hep you increase your activity level.