Food to Help Control Diabetes
Balanced Diet
Eating a balanced diet of foods that provide nutrients, vitamins and fiber assists in controlling blood sugar levels, weight and insulin production. Monitoring food intake and glucose levels regularly decreases instances of harmful spikes and lows.
High-Fiber Foods
High-fiber foods pass through the body quickly, reducing caloric intake and decreasing the absorption of fats and proteins, aiding in weight management and digestive health for diabetics. Vegetables, fruits, beans, corn, peas, and whole grains are sources of fiber that lower sugar levels when eaten in the recommended serving size, which can reduce the amount of insulin or medication needed.
Meat and Dairy
Dairy products and meat are high in saturated fat content. Soy and lean, skinless fish or chicken that is prepared by boiling, steaming or grilling are the healthiest protein options. Low-fat and non-fat dairy products reduce the amount of saturated fat calories being stored by the body, promoting weight control, normal glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
Fat Inake
Monounsaturated and unsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease or stroke related to diabetes complications. Olive oil, vegetable oils, nuts, avocados and seeds are low-fat ingredients that can be substituted for dressings, butter, sauces and snacks that contain saturated fats.
Salt and Refined Sugar
Foods that are heavy in sodium or refined sugar need to be avoided. Alcohol is also a no-no. Look for foods that are natural and less processed and you will find you consume less salt and sugar.