Natural Diabetes Cure
Herbal Remedies
There is an array of herbal treatments that can be used as natural cures for diabetes. Taken as daily supplements, herbs promote circulation, glucose maintenance, and healthy cell growth in diabetics. The Indian herb, Gymnema Sylvestre, lowers blood-sugar levels and reduces sugar cravings by stimulating the pancreas to naturally produce more insulin. Bilberry leaf extracts work to rejuvenate damaged cells and stimulate the growth of healthy cells, reducing the incidence of macular degeneration. Cayenne is known to increase blood circulation so that oxygen can reach blood vessels and tissues, decreasing the risks of infection, retinopathy, and limb amputation. Natural herbal cures offer significant support for diabetics.
Daily Exercise
Daily exercise leads to healthy maintenance of the body's systems and organs. Regular fitness regimens promote healthy weight, increased circulation, and stress relief. Weight training and stretching exercises elevate joint flexibility, blood flow to the limbs and extremities, and muscle building. Aerobic activities such as running, walking, and swimming help metabolize stored glucose in the bloodstream by converting it to energy. This process results in normal sugar levels, improved insulin response, and healthy weight.
Endorphins released through exercise work to strengthen the immune system while combating diabetes symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and depression that can arise from hypoglycemic episodes and insulin side effects. Exercise combined with a nutritious diet can be used effectively to control and prevent Diabetes Type 2.
Diet and Monitoring
A healthy diet for a diabetic will increase metabolism while monitoring the amount of sugar that enters the body. Foods rich in carbohydrates such as; bread, pasta, cereal, yogurt, and fruit spike sugar levels immediately and send more sugar into the bloodstream. Dependent upon the amount of medication, serving size, and pre-meal sugar levels, diabetics will respond to differently to carbohydrates at various times of the day. Carbohydrate intake should be carefully allotted and planned in accordance to blood sugar levels and dietician recommendations.
A healthy meal plan for a diabetic should be high in fiber and low in fat, as fiber-rich diets allow for less sugar absorption and low-fat diets control weight. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice, lean meat and low-fat dairy products are healthy dietary choices. Fruit and plain, low-fat yogurt are nutritious sources of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Both carbohydrates offer healthy snack choices if consumed in controlled portions after glucose levels have been monitored and are within the the low to normal range.
Blood sugar should be monitored regularly upon waking up, before each meal, an hour after each meal, and prior to bedtime. Readings are important in maintaining healthy sugar levels, and assist in meal planning and exercise. Fasting and pre-meal readings in the range of 70-to-110 are normal. One hour after a meal, diabetics should aim to reach a reading of 140 or less. Monitoring is a natural cure that provides diabetics with a concrete understanding of how food effects sugar, so that nutritious and beneficial meal plans that target healthy levels can be implemented.