How Can Diabetes Be Avoided?
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is not caused by bad diets or lifestyle; rather, you are born with susceptibility to the disease. In certain cases, this can be avoided by optimizing maternal health and nutrition, and also by encouraging breast-feeding. Some infants who are at high risk for diabetes may also need special diets to promote beta-cell immunity, as type 1 diabetes is caused by the destruction or disruption of insulin-producing beta cells by the immune system.
Type 2 Diabetes
This disease---which affects adults, but also increasing numbers of adolescents---can be delayed or avoided completely through lifestyle modification and/or medications. Eating a proper diet, increasing physical activity and reducing weight can greatly lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Avoiding Pre-Diabetes
Pre-diabetes is a condition that can be curbed by eating a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining an appropriate body weight. Used in combination, these methods can help stem a pre-diabetic condition that could later lead to full-blown diabetes.
Avoiding Gestational Diabetes
Although there is no known cause of gestational diabetes, efforts to avoid it should ideally begin before pregnancy. Maintain a proper weight, exercise and eat a healthy diet. Once your pregnancy begins, it is important to watch the amount of weight you gain and to eat a healthy diet that includes lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and lean meats, dried beans and non-fat dairy products. Be sure to drink lots of water, avoid junk food and watch portion sizes.
Diabetes Education
Educate yourself about diabetes and its precursors; just being informed can greatly reduce your risk of developing the disease. Be conscientious about choosing healthy foods, increasing your physical activity and visiting your physician regularly for blood and other tests.