Neuropathy Issues Caused by Diabetes

Diabetic neuropathy is a common and often painful condition in which consistently high blood sugar levels throughout the course of the disease eventually damage nerve fibers. The four types of diabetic neuropathy include peripheral, focal, autonomic and proximal.
  1. Identification

    • Common symptoms of neuropathy include numbness, coordination problems, sharp pains, digestive complications, blurred vision, uncontrolled blood pressure, sexual dysfunction and paralysis.


    • Diabetic neuropathy frequently causes numbness resulting in decreased leg and foot function, increased injuries, ulcerations and infections. Due to poor circulation in untreated diabetics, the effects of neuropathy can lead to surgical amputation.


    • Neuropathy causes pain and aching throughout the extremities and joints, and can create sensitivity to light, temperature and touch. Daily activities such as sleeping, driving, walking and reading become impaired.


    • If sugar levels are not maintained through healthy diet, exercise and regular monitoring, diabetes will lead to neuropathy as damaged blood vessels become unable to supply cells with oxygen needed for organ function.


    • Herbal remedies, high-fiber meals and daily fitness combine to lower sugar levels by naturally preventing the onset of neuropathy through improved blood circulation, weight control and healthy cell growth.

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