Diabetes Glucose Monitoring & Exercise
Blood sugar tests should be conducted 30 minutes prior to exercise routines and immediately before to ensure consistent normal readings optimum for healthy physical activity.
Monitoring prior to exercise is a healthy precaution, as sugar levels are naturally lowered by physical activity. Pre-exercise readings in the range of 100 to 250 mg/dL indicate safe levels for aerobic exercise and strength training.
Blood sugar readings lower than 100 mg/dL are too low for exercise and could result in a hypoglycemic episode. Eating crackers or fruit may restore sugar to a normal level capable of handling exercise.
Levels reaching 250 mg/dL are unsafe for exercise, as activity could induce a harmful condition called ketoacidosis. This occurs when there is not enough insulin present in the body to control sugar levels adequately.
Time Frame
In addition to pre-exercise readings, glucose should be monitored in the morning, before all meals and snacks and one hour after eating. The pre-meal target range for healthy sugar levels is 70 to 120mg/dL with post-meal readings targeted at 140mg/dL or lower.