How Much Sugar Can a Diabetic Have in One Day?
So, can I have sugar?
The short answer is yes, diabetics can have sugar as part of a healthy diet. Sugar is the same as other processed carbs and has no more impact than rice or pasta. These types of carbs cause the blood sugar to rise more quickly than unprocessed carbs from whole fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables that contain fiber to help balance the glycemic reaction, but they are acceptable when eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet. The official position of the American Diabetes Association is that sugar can be included in a diabetic diet.
Then what's the problem?
The controversy comes in when behavior is considered. People tend to add sweets to their diet instead of factoring them into their overall carbohydrate count. Deciding to skip the potato dish and have a small slice of cake for dessert would be fine, but having the potatoes and the cake--and possibly even sampling from the bread basket before dinner--is as dangerous as it is common. Add the fact that sugar usually comes in foods that are high in fat and low in nutrition, and a little daily indulgence can deliver a double whammy to the diabetic diet and do irreparable harm in the process.
Sugar is sneaky
Sugar is frequently found in sources people forget to consider. Juice, dried fruit, peanut butter and spaghetti sauce are good examples of things a diabetic might ingest without considering the sugar content. Always read the labels and know what you're getting into.
Beat the cravings
One way to beat the sugar cravings is by having something sweet that's healthier. Not all sweet treats are bad for you. Switch to dark chocolate for less sugar and more antioxidants, have a yogurt low in fat and sugar with a cup of fruit, or opt for a homemade carrot cake with real carrots and pineapple.
What's the definitive answer?
Diabetics have to think about many aspects of diet in order to keep blood sugar levels even and avoid drastic highs and lows. Carbohydrates should be carefully factored into your diet, food should be spread out evenly throughout the day, and all food should be evaluated for its nutritional value. If you have that cupcake in the afternoon, work it off with a brisk walk or skip the carbs at dinner. Work any sugar carbohydrates into the overall diet recommendations provided by your dietitian or health provider and try not to exceed the carbohydrate goals for the day. How many carbohydrates allowed depends on weight and sex, and individual goals should be worked out between you and your nutritionist.