Medtronic Insulin Pump Side Effects

Medtronic is a company that specializes in a variety of medical treatments and medicines, makes an insulin pump to help maintain the proper level of insulin in the diabetic's body. While a useful tool, there are some side effects for those who use a Medtronic insulin pump.
  1. Definition

    • An insulin pump is a small, portable device which pumps a steady supply of insulin into the diabetic's body. To keep the pump in place throughout the day, it can be clipped to the patient's belt, worn under the clothing or secured in some other fashion.

    Blood Sugar

    • The two main side effects of using an insulin pump such as the Medtronic pump are instances of high and low blood sugar. High blood sugar is typically caused by a pump malfunction or problems with the needle and/or tubing of the insulin pump.

    Skin Reaction

    • Another common side effect is a reaction at the site of the insulin pump injection. This could be redness, swelling, a skin rash, or other varieties of irritation. Often the best way to eliminate this side effect is to move the pump to another injection site until one is found that has no negative reaction to the pump's presence.


    • A more potentially serious side effect of using an insulin pump is that there may be infection at the injection site. Infection can be potentially serious, and insulin pump users should be sure to clean both the injection site as well as the injection portion of the pump.


    • Oftentimes negative side effects can be avoided if user errors are eliminated, and this is particularly true of fluctuating blood sugar. People using Medtronic pumps should be properly trained in how to use it. This may often take several sessions with a doctor or nurse practitioner.

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