Holistic Diabetic Foot Pain Cures
Common Conditions
Poor circulation causes diabetics to have dry, swollen feet. It also impairs the healing process when injuries occur. People with diabetes are prone ulcers, infections and other serious problems with their feet. Along with the lack of circulation, diabetics often experience neuropathy, which can cause them to lose the ability to feel pain, heat and cold. As a result, diabetics can develop small cuts, blisters or sores they don't know they have. If these minor injuries are left untreated, they can lead to major problems. Diabetics are also prone to conditions like bunions, hammer toes and charcot feet.
As a result of the serious foot conditions that can arise as a result of diabetes, people with this disease need to try to prevent any foot-related injuries. Diabetics should look carefully at their feet every day to make sure they don't have any cuts, sores, red spots, swelling or infected toenails. If you find any kind of problem doesn't clear up immediately, you should make an appointment with your doctor to get it looked at immediately.
Foot Care
Wash your feet with warm water every day but don't soak them. Also make sure you thoroughly dry them after your shower. A good idea is to use talcum powder on your feet, especially between your toes.
You also need to pay special attention to your footwear. One of the best materials for protecting diabetic feet is Plastazote because it conforms to heat and pressure. You also need footwear with lots of space in the toe area, removable insoles, firm heel counters for support and stability as well as rocker soles to reduce pressure on the foot. When you have new shoes, break them in slowly so you don't run the risk of developing blisters. It's a good idea to keep several pairs of shoes with you, so that you can rotate them whenever you start having trouble with your feet. To keep the skin of your feet soft, use some lotion or cream on the tops and bottoms of your feet--but not between your toes.
Make sure you always wear socks and shoes to protect your feet even when you are indoors. Choose seamless socks that will help keep moisture away from your feet. It's a good idea to check you shoes to make sure they are clear of anything that might be harmful. Protect your feet from extreme heat and cold. Instead using a heating pad if your feat are cold, try some thermal socks instead. You also need to protect your feet from sunburn with sunscreen in the summer.
To promote blood flow to your feet, put them up when you are sitting down whenever possible. Wiggling your ankles and toes will also help with circulation. It's not a good idea to cross your legs for extended periods of time as that can inhibit circulation. Also, don't wear anything tight on your feet that could possibly interfere with blood flow to your feet. You need to quit smoking because it will reduce the blood flow to your feet.
One of the best ways to protect your feet and overall health is to eat right and exercise so that your blood sugar tests are normal--100 before meals and no more than 140 to 150 after eating. Make sure whatever exercise you choose is easy on the feet like swimming and biking rather than jumping or running.
Non-prescription skin creams like pepper cream can sometimes help when you have painful places on your feet. However, be aware that these creams are expensive and often have side effects like severe burning.