The Effects of Uncontrolled Diabetes
Diabetic Neuropathy
In uncontrolled diabetes, diabetic neuropathy may develop as a result of the increased amount of glucose in the bloodstream. This uncontrolled glucose can damage the nerve-supplying blood vessels and lead to gradual loss of sensation in the extremities. Eventually, if left untreated, it may result in extremity amputation.
Vision Problems
Uncontrolled diabetes, if not diagnosed and properly treated, can damage blood supply to the eyes, causing diminished vision and eventually blindness.
Kidney Disease
Uncontrolled diabetes may result in diabetic nephropathy, a form of kidney disease, because of a decline in kidney function. The kidneys no longer perform the filtering of waste products from the blood efficiently. They become bogged down and choked with toxic sludge, resulting in body toxicity and fluid retention. This decline in function will eventually lead to complete kidney failure, making dialysis a necessary life-saving measure.
Pregnancy Complications
In someone suffering with uncontrolled diabetes during or before pregnancy, many complications could arise. These might include miscarriages, birth defects or extremely large babies that could result in a difficult vaginal delivery or emergency cesarean section.
Heart Disease
There already is an increased risk for heart disease even for one whose diabetes is under control, much more so for someone whose diabetes is not properly controlled with medications, dietary changes and/or doctor supervision. This type of uncontrolled diabetes can lead to damage of various blood vessels, cause hypertension and increase the amounts of cholesterol in the bloodstream, all of which puts one at greater risk for stroke and heart attack.
Dental Disease
Uncontrolled diabetes can cause gum disease that could result in tissue or tooth loss. It is important to have regular dental checkups when a dentist establishes the possibility of a diabetes diagnosis.