Natural Foot Care for Diabetes
Examine your feet each night before bed. Look for sores, blisters, cuts, scrapes or any irritation on your skin. Check the soles of your feet, between your toes and the top of your feet. Also, check beneath your toes. This is a spot that is often overlooked. If you cannot see well, then have someone else check your feet. Have your doctor examine your feet during regular checkups. A podiatrist also can check your feet for problems. If you cannot trim your toenails yourself, then the podiatrist can trim them during the exam.
Keep your feet clean. This is healthy for your feet, since it lowers your risk for foot infections. Wash, rinse and dry your feet, including between your toes. Apply lotion to your feet. Wipe off the lotion from between your toes. You do not want your feet to stay moist, since it could lead to foot problems. Do not use a pumice stone on your feet. This could irritate your skin and give an infection a chance to develop. Any foot infection can lead to an ulcer. Do not use over-the-counter products for removing corns and calluses. These products can cause chemical burns on your feet. See a podiatrist to treat corns, calluses and warts safely.
Do Not Procrastinate
Act to remedy any problems with your feet immediately. Wash and disinfect the area. Use antiseptic salve and bandage the cut. Check it each day. Look for warning signs of the cut not healing. The signs of infection include redness, red streaks, warmth, swelling, pain or drainage. See a podiatrist right away if any of these signs occur--it could save your foot and your life.