Where to Buy Visual Blood Glucose Strips
Stores in the U.S. do not yet sell visual blood glucose strips. Instead, you can go online to sites such as Ali Baba (see Resources) to order the strips directly from the distributors. You may have to open an account with the site you choose. After you open your account, you can access the distributors by sending an email through the site. The distributors will reply to your email with current prices, shipping costs and any other expense you must incur to buy the visual blood glucose strips.
Betachek manufactures blood glucose strips (see References ). Use the contact page to send an email directly to Betachek. Choose the option on the form that specifies where to buy. Choose other country from the drop-down list. Write a short message asking where a person in the U.S. can buy the strips. Betachek should reply with a list of places where blood glucose strips are available.
Visual Blood Glucose Strips
Visual blood glucose strips offer another method of testing your blood sugar levels. Instead of depending on a meter, the strips contain everything needed to provide accurate readings. Just apply blood to the strip, wipe the strip after 30 seconds and wait another 30 seconds. Compare the color of the test area to the color chart to get your reading. These strips are ideal for diabetics on the go, since they no longer have to carry a test kit with them. The strips do not need any batteries to operate, so this saves money. There is no kit to buy, just the strips and lancets to prick your finger. Visual blood glucose strips provide another option to the diabetic who would like to get away from using a meter. Visual blood glucose strips work with a small amount of blood--same as the blood glucose meters, so the patient does not have to provide more than a drop to achieve results.