Possible Side Effects of Diabetes
Early Signs
Diabetes can be tricky to self diagnose, but there are some signs and side effects that could warrant a trip to the doctor to rule out this potentially life-changing disease. Immense thirst and hunger are common signs of early diabetes, as they can manifest when blood sugar is abnormal. Needing to urinate more often than usual, or experiencing rapid unexplained weight loss, may also be signs.
Blood Sugar
Diabetes affects the blood sugar more directly than it does any other function of the body. This can lead to either hyperglycemia, where blood sugar skyrockets past the normal healthy levels, or hypoglycemia, where the opposite occurs and blood sugar plummets. The symptoms of both are strangely similar, with fatigue, shakiness and fainting being among the potential effects.
Heart Disease
Diabetes puts you at serious risk for heart and cardiovascular disease. The longer you live with untreated diabetes, the more pronounced this risk becomes. Angina, heart attack and stroke are all within the realm of risk for a diabetes patient. It has been shown that those with diabetes are exactly twice as likely to have a heart attack or a stroke as those without the disease.
Nerve Damage
Because too much sugar in the body can cause damage to the lining of the blood vessels, blood can be slow to get to the extremities, meaning it can cause damage to the nerves there. This is why many patients with diabetes suffer complications in their feet and legs, including numbness and swelling. Left untreated, this type of nerve damage can be irreversible and even lead to necessary amputation. For similar reasons, diabetes can cause vision complications, as the eyes aren't getting the blood they need. Again, left untreated, this can lead to serious complications, including blindness.
Kidney Damage
The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste out of the blood. Diabetes is known for causing problems with this filtering system, which can lead to serious health complications. Even when detected early, kidney damage can require you to go on permanent dialysis or other maintenance. When caught late, a kidney transplant may be needed.