Pain Relief for Diabetics
The Facts
Peripheral neuropathy can be treated locally with pain relief topical medications or with both prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers. Natural remedies include relaxation methods, calculated breathing techniques and massage. However, the only way to truly relieve peripheral neuropathy for good is to permanently reduce your blood glucose levels to keep your diabetes in check.
Common pain issues in diabetics include sharp or dull pain, numbness and general discomfort. Most often, these symptoms disturb people at night, which can also lead to insomnia and other sleep deprivation-related issues.
The simplest treatment for nerve pain is relaxation. Warm baths, massages, meditation and hypnosis are all effective treatments for mild nerve pain. Over-the-counter medications can also be used to treat sensitive nerve endings. Popular options include pain relievers such as Tylenol (acetaminophen), NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Advil, Motrin, aspirin, Aleve) and topical numbing creams like Capsaicin-P, Zostrix and Lidocaine.
For more severe pain, doctors often prescribe stronger-dosage NSAIDs like Celebrex, Lodine and Relafen. Anti-seizure drugs such as Neurontin and Lyrica are also commonly prescribed for their anesthetic benefits. Even antidepressants are used to help because depression is often a direct side effect of chronic nerve pain in diabetics.
Side Effects
There are side effects associated with certain pain relief medications, and these effects can be exacerbated with long-term use. Over-the-counter NSAIDs put people with diabetes at a higher risk for kidney damage, kidney and liver failure, stomach irritation and bleeding, high blood pressure and fluid retention. To reduce your risk, use them sparingly and only when needed. Even acetaminophen has been associated with liver damage with long-term use. Prescription NSAIDs increase the risk of heart problems over time as well.
Always consult your physician before undertaking any new course of medication, even over-the-counter products. Make a note of any strange side effects you encounter from any treatment and let your doctor know immediately if you have severe and sudden symptoms.