Healthy Cholesterol Levels for Diabetics

Healthy cholesterol levels are important for everyone, but even more important for people who are already battling particular medical conditions. One medical condition where having healthy cholesterol levels is extremely important is diabetes. A condition called diabetic dyslipidemia is responsible for the battle of cholesterol levels in diabetics. This condition tends to lower good cholesterol levels and raise bad ones. This is why it is important for diabetics to closely monitor their cholesterol levels.
  1. Diabetes Information

    • Diabetes is a condition in which the body mismanages blood glucose levels. The blood glucose levels in a diabetic typically run high. The pancreas is the organ in which insulin is made, and insulin helps control blood sugar, or glucose levels in the body. With diabetes, the pancreas makes either too much insulin or does not help the insulin get into the cells properly. This causes an increase in blood glucose levels.

    Significance of Cholesterol Levels for a Diabetic

    • For people with diabetes, they have a greater tendency to have trouble with their cholesterol. People who have diabetes tend to have similar risks of heart disease and stroke as people who already have cardiovascular disease. When it comes to heart risks related to cholesterol, diabetics are already ahead of those that do not have diabetes. Diabetics have to be extra cautious when it comes to monitoring their good and bad cholesterol levels.

    What are Healthy Cholesterol Levels for Diabetics?

    • Healthy cholesterol levels are important for diabetics. It is a common problem to see diabetics with low levels of good cholesterol and high levels of bad cholesterol. For people with diabetes, it has been found that their LDL levels (or bad cholesterol) should be less than 100 mg. For diabetics who are at a higher risk for problems related to elevated cholesterol levels, they should strive to get their LDL levels below 70 mg. HDL levels (or good cholesterol) should be approximately 40 mg for men and 50 mg for women. Triglycerides should be less than 150.

    Prevention of Elevated Cholesterol Levels

    • For diabetics, it is very important to keep blood glucose levels under control. Like most people who are supposed to watch their cholesterol, diabetics can use the same guidelines to maintain theirs. Monitoring cholesterol levels means healthy eating habits. You should eliminate processed fats, such as trans fats, and eat more healthy fats, such as those found in fish. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, get at lease thirty minutes of exercise, eat more whole grains, and if your triglycerides are elevated, take a fish oil supplement.


    • It is very important for diabetics to get regular cholesterol check-ups to stay on top of their levels. Having your cholesterol checked only requires a quick blood draw. If you have regular checks by your physician, he will know what your cholesterol normally runs and will be alerted in a timely manner if your levels spike. For diabetics, it is very important to never wait too long to be seen by your physician if you suspect a problem.

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