How to Recognize Diabetes Symptoms

Knowing how to recognize diabetes symptoms can save your life. Diabetes is a very serious disease and the sooner it's detected and you can begin treatment, the better. Diabetes symptoms vary from person to person, but if you have any of these symptoms, you should schedule a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. While you may not have diabetes, you may have another underlying condition causing your symptoms.


  1. Know what the common symptoms of diabetes are

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      SUDDEN WEIGHT LOSS - Recognize that sudden weight loss is not normal. If you have a sudden drop of weight of ten pounds or more see your doctor immediately. If you are not doing anything to lose weight, but you are still losing weight, you should have it checked out. It may not be diabetes, but it is a symptom that should be seen by a doctor. Sudden weight loss is more typical of type 1 diabetes; whereas, with type 2 diabetes the weight loss is less noticeable. While sudden weight loss may turn out to be nothing, it is better to be safe than sorry.

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      FREQUENT URINATION - Frequent urination can be a sign of diabetes. If you notice that you are going to the bathroom more often than usual, you should contact your doctor. There can be other reasons for frequent urination, so this symptom alone does not mean that you have diabetes.

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      EXTREME THIRST - Notice if you are experiencing extreme thirst. If you are thirsty all the time and cannot seem to quench it, you should see a doctor.

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      BLURRED VISION - Notice if you have blurred or unusual vision. Diabetes can affect vision. If you are having vision problems on a regular basis, you should call the doctor.

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      NUMBNESS - Notice if you are having numbness or tingling in your extremities. Numbness can mean several other illnesses, so you should see your doctor immediately if you have numbness that does not go away or if it comes back.

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      CHRONIC FATIGUE - Notice if you are feeling tired all the time. Fatigue is one symptom of diabetes. If you are feeling weak and tired all the time, you should see a doctor.

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