1500 Calorie Daily Diabetic Diet Plan
Meal Frequency
One of the most important things to consider is the frequency with which a diabetic should eat. Diabetics cannot eat three meals a day like most people do. Instead, doctors recommend they eat six small meals a day to help ensure their blood glucose levels do not spike or bottom out. Eating at this schedule will prevent hunger in between meals that may cause glucose levels to drop and also help avoid overeating, which may cause glucose levels to rise abnormally.
Breakfast and Morning Snacks
An example of a healthy breakfast for a diabetic can include the following: 1 slice of toast, 3/4 cup of Corn Flakes or other unsweetened grain-type cereal, 1 teaspoon of margarine, 1 cup of skim or 1 percent milk, 1 poached egg and 1 cup of unsweetened coffee or tea. You also have the choice of either eating a piece of fruit with your breakfast or saving it for a morning snack a couple of hours later. This could be a small banana, apple or orange.
Lunch and Afternoon Snack
A healthy diabetic lunch you may want to consider could be 2 ounces of sliced turkey breast, 2 slices of bread, 1 leaf of lettuce, 2 slices of tomato, 2 teaspoons of low-fat mayonnaise and 1 medium apple or banana. Three cups of air-popped popcorn or 1 cup of sliced carrots with 2 tablespoons of fat-free ranch dressing can be a great afternoon snack for diabetics. You may also have unsweetened ice tea to drink.
Dinner and Evening Snack
Diabetics also have delicious healthy choices for dinner meals. An example can include 3 ounces of lean roast beef, 1 3-inch baked potato, 1 medium-sized dinner roll, 1 teaspoon of margarine, 1 cup of cooked mixed vegetables, and 1 1/4 cups of fresh strawberries. Your choice of drinks may include 1 glass of unsweetened iced tea, 1 can of diet soda, or all the water you want! A perfect evening snack that can be enjoyed is 3 graham crackers and a cup of skim or 1 percent milk.