Myths About Diabetes
Sugar Causes Diabetes
One popular diabetes myth is that eating too much sugar causes diabetes. Also, some also believe that diabetics may also completely give up sugar after diagnosis. Neither myth is true. Diabetes occurs as the result of a combination of lifestyle scenarios and genetic predisposition.
Diabetics Can Eat Unlimited Fruits
Fruit is generally considered a healthy food option; however, diabetics need to moderate the number of portions and the portions sizes because fruit contains natural sugars that can raise blood glucose levels.
Diabetics Should Avoid Starchy Foods
Another diabetic myth is that diabetics should not eat much breads, pastas and rice. This is untrue. Diabetics can eat starches as part of a healthy diet as long as they pay attention to the size of the portions and the number of portions consumed daily.
Diabetics Should Eat Special Diabetic Foods
Many people believe the myth that diabetics need to eat special foods and will no longer be able to eat ordinary foods. However, this is not true. Diabetics need to eat a healthy diet just like any other person. According to the American Diabetes Association, a healthy diet should contain whole grains, fruits, vegetable and lean meats. Also, a healthy diet should be low in fat, salt and refined sugar.
Insulin Causes Weight Gain
Another myth is that insulin causes significant weight gain, which complicates diabetes. This is not true. Insulin is necessary to control diabetes in many patients and the risks of not taking it are much greater than the risks of taking it.