Food for Diabetes Control
Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the body is unable to properly deal with the amount of glucose that is consumed when we eat. Insulin is needed to maintain proper glucose levels. The body may either not produce enough insulin or any insulin at all. Also, the body may resist insulin and not respond to it appropriately. Diet is one of the primary methods for controlling diabetes.-
Diabetes Super Foods
The American Diabetes Association has created a list of 10 foods that they consider diabetes super foods. These foods include beans, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, berries, tomatoes, salmon, whole grains, nuts, fat-free yogurt and milk, and dark, leafy vegetables.
Carbohydrates can cause blood glucose levels to rise so it is important to monitor the amount of carbohydrates consumed. There are three types of carbohydrates, including fiber, sugar and starch. Carbohydrate consumption should consist mostly of fiber; however, sugar and starch can be eaten in moderation when balanced out with other healthier food choices.
Diabetics are at an increased risk for heart disease so fat intake should also be monitored and controlled. Diabetics should aim to eat healthy fats such as polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats while avoiding trans fats and saturated fats. Also, diabetics should limit cholesterol intake to reduce heart disease risk.
Diabetic Meal Planning
Diabetics may want to enact a strategy to plan healthy meals. One such strategy is carbohydrate counting. Another way is called the plate method, which works by dividing your plate in different sized sections for different types of food items. Finally, the diabetic food pyramid may also be used to plan appropriate meals. The pyramid is broken into six groups. The largest group--for grains, beans and starchy vegetables--is at the bottom, and a diabetic should eat more of these foods than any other. The smallest group--fats, sweets and alcohol--is at the top and should be eaten sparingly.
Reading Food Labels
Diabetics should make it a habit to read all food labels. The most important items to look for on food labels are the serving size, calories per servings, fat content and the amounts of carbohydrates per serving. Use food labels to make healthy food choices.