What Fruits Are Good for a Diabetic?
Sugar Intake
Sugar translates into insulin for a diabetic. Insulin causes glucose levels to rise and fall. When you get too much insulin in your system, your glucose level shoots up, causing the body to go into shock and shut down for protection until the glucose and insulin levels go back to normal. Diabetics have a harder time maintaining the proper levels of insulin and glucose in the body, which is why they need to monitor their levels daily. Use of a quick release of insulin is required when your levels are low and need an immediate rise. Use of a slow release is needed when the levels are high and you must slowly level off the amount of insulin being absorbed. When a diabetic goes into sugar shock, their insulin and glucose levels have suddenly and dramatically risen or fallen far from normal levels. Certain fruits can help regain normal levels quickly to avoid more serious conditions such as coma or even death.
Effects of Different Fruits
Eat fruits with a high fructose-to-glucose ratio such as those high in fiber. Fruits with an edible skin and seeds offer the most fiber and fructose. Fruits such as apples, pears, and kiwi are moderate in fiber. Blueberries have a higher fiber content. These fruits will help maintain healthier insulin levels and provide a consistent rate of absorption.
Eat fruits that are high in pulp when your insulin levels have dropped rapidly. These fruits help give a quick increase in sugar which can readily be converted into insulin.
Eat fresh fruit to allow normal sugar absorption rather than dried fruit or fruit in heavy syrup. Many of these fruits also help control carbohydrate intake, which also aids in maintaining sugar and glucose levels.
Fruits to Avoid
Do not eat fruits high in pulp content if your insulin levels are normal. These fruits include oranges, grapefruits, papaya, plums, peaches and nectarines. Bananas should also be avoided because of their high natural levels of sugar.