What Can Help to Lower High Blood Sugar?
Exercise is extremely important when it comes to controlling blood sugar. Exercise should be around 30 to 60 minutes nearly everyday. This is at a moderate level that can include aerobics, walking, cycling, swimming, or gardening. Anything that keeps you on your feet will help lower high blood sugar. Physical activity lowers insulin resistance and assists with the process of sugar leaving the blood stream and entering muscles. Along with exercise is weight loss. If you are overweight, losing five to ten percent of your body weight will help in blood sugar control.
Smaller meals can help cut back on the amount of sugar the body has to handle at one time. Following a good meal plan is a must in order to achieve control. Meals need to be higher in protein and fiber. Carbohydrates, like grains and potatoes, need to be cut back. Carbohydrates convert quickly into sugar in the body. The foods that put sugar into the blood need to be limited. Also drink eight to ten glasses of water per day. This is an 8 oz. glass. This is also on top of any other liquids. Soda and coffee do not count towards water intake.
If exercise and diet do not control high blood sugar, then medication will be prescribed. For type 2 diabetes, oral medications may be the best method of control along with exercise and diet. These medications increase insulin sensitivity and decrease sugar production. It encourages the body to use its own insulin produced by the pancreas to lower blood sugar. For a type 1 diabetic, insulin therapy is a must. The pancreas has basically stopped insulin production. Insulin is a hormone that allows sugar to leave the blood stream and enter the cells. Without insulin the sugar builds up to unmanageable high level.