How to Exercise If You Are Diabetic, Diabetes Exercise Guidelines
If you are diabetic you should seriously consider a daily exercise routine. Exercise can help you control your weight and as well it will help you maintain lower blood sugar levels. Talk to your doctor about which exercises are best for you to begin with.
Once you have adapted an exercise routine you need to follow some basic diabetic exercise safety rules. Test your blood sugar levels before you begin exercising. If your levels are low you should postpone exercise until they have raised. Exercise can lower blood sugar and if you are already in the low zone you certainly don't want to bring your levels any lower.
Observe the way you feel during exercise. If you become extremely week, light-headed and dizzy or exhibit any other symptoms of low blood sugar, stop exercise immediately and follow your doctors advise for elevating your levels. It is wise to always keep a snack handy when you plan to be physically active just in case you need it.
Make certain that you test your blood sugar after exercise also. Keep a journal of blood sugar levels when exercising. If levels drop significantly before, during, or after exercise let you doctor know. This information can be important in determining medication regimens.
You should pay attention to your feet. Wear good diabetic recommended socks and shoes when you exercise. If your feet become uncomfortable during exercise, stop and check them for blisters or sores. Check them again when you have completed your exercises. Diabetics can never be too careful with their feet.
Keep plenty of fluids on hand. Even if you don't feel thirsty you need to drink a lot of water when exercising. It is easy to dehydrated before you realize it. Dehydration can seriously affect your blood sugar levels.