Basic Overview Information on Diabetics

Diabetes is a physical disease. Diabetes types 1 and 2 have to do with the body's inability to produce the necessary insulin within the pancreas that is required to break down sugars within the body.
  1. Factors

    • Diabetes can occur within an individual at any age. A person with diabetes did not necessarily become diabetic due to a poor diet.


    • Among the forms of diabetes recognized today are pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes (occurs during pregnancy), diabetes Type 1 and diabetes Type 2. Type 1 diabetics are insulin dependent; Type 2 diabetics can manage their diabetes with diet, oral medication and exercise.

    Diabetic Foods

    • Food marketed to diabetics is not necessarily good for diabetics, according to Diabetes U.K. and the U.K. Food Standards Agency. "People with diabetes should eat a normal, healthy, balanced diet, the same as anybody else," said Suzanne Lucas, director of care at Diabetes U.K.


    • Diabetes can be treated with diet and pills as well as insulin injections. Insulin pumps are becoming common for Type 1 diabetics due to their accuracy and convenience. More research is required to examine the long-term effects on the lungs from using insulin inhalers.


    • Diabetics can experience serious long-term effects, including blindness, amputation and various disabilities, if their blood glucose levels are not managed properly.

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