Adult Diabetes Treatment
When digested, carbohydrates break down into glucose, raising the sugar levels of patients with adult diabetes. To minimize these effects, patients must count carbohydrates and avoid certain foods that elevate their sugar levels.
Physical activity burns glucose in the body, lowering blood sugar levels in patients with adult diabetes. An exercise plan that features regular activity such as walking or aerobics is an important part of the treatment plan.
Adult diabetes treatment requires consistent monitoring of the body's blood sugar through the use of a glucose monitor. To use this device, a patient pricks a finger, collects a small sample of blood on a slide called a testing strip and inserts the slide into the monitoring machine.
Patients with adult diabetes sometimes take a drug called glucophage, which limits the natural production of glucose by the body. Others inject insulin to increase the body's supply, which helps to lower sugar levels.
The treatment of adult diabetes is a cooperative effort between the patient and a team of professionals, which includes general practice physicians or internists, endocrinologists and registered dietitians.