Diflucan as a Diabetes Treatment
What Is Diabetes?
Diabetes is basically a disease of the metabolism. When a person is diagnosed with this disease, it is because their body has stopped effectively using the hormone insulin.
Why Is Insulin Important?
Insulin is an important hormone in the body that regulates the conversion of food into glucose (sugar). Once food is converted to glucose, it moves through the blood stream and is used for energy. Diabetics need to closely regulate their eating habits in order to maintain proper glucose levels. If blood glucose levels are not maintained properly, damage is done to the body's organs.
How Diflucan Helps
The drug Diflucan is used to treat fungal infections, this happens when large colonies of fungi are able to establish themselves in the body, even the blood stream. Diabetics are prone to getting fungal infections because of their high glucose levels, which make them a favorite fungi food source.
Why Fungi?
Fungi prefer to use glucose as a food source because it is quickly transported into the cell walls. When diabetics have higher levels of glucose, their immune system can become quickly compromised with fungi resulting in fungal infections.
Hope for a Cure
At this time, there is no cure for diabetes, but there are a number of promising avenues of research. Fortunately, researching a cure has created a number of medical treatments that help diabetics to control their disease. Though Diflucan does not cure diabetes, it is a very helpful diabetic tool in the control of fungi and eradication of fungal infections.