Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms in Children

Type 1 diabetes is a form of diabetes characterized by reduced or lack of production of insulin by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that helps convert sugars (glucose) into energy. With the limited production of insulin, the excessive sugars accumulate in the body. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile or insulin dependent diabetes and it occurs more commonly in children than adults.
  1. Causes

    • Most of the cases of Type 1 diabetes in children have no specific cause; however, according to the Mayo Clinic, certain factors play major roles in the development of the disease. Hereditary and genetic factors, viral infections and vitamin D deficiency are among the items thought to increase the chances of contracting Type 1 diabetes.

    Excessive Thirst and Urination

    • Among the common symptoms associated with Type 1 diabetes in children is the frequent urge for urination and excessive thirst. Because of the accumulation of excessive levels of sugar in the blood stream, the fluid present in the tissues is generally absorbed outward by these sugars. This condition might give rise to excessive thirst, leading to more drinking, which, in turn, causes an urge for frequent urination.

    Blurred Vision

    • Another common Type 1 diabetes symptom in children is blurred vision. High levels of sugar in the bloodstream may pull fluids from the lenses of the eyes, causing blurred vision.

    Weight Loss

    • Children suffering from type 1 diabetes often experience excessive and uncontrolled weight loss. Because of the inadequate and insufficient production of energy in the body, the muscle tissues and other fat storage areas tend to shrink.

    Other Common Symptoms

    • Among other symptoms are increased fatigue, extreme hunger, leg cramps, irritability and frequent mood changes.

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