What Do You Feed a Diabetic With Low Blood Sugar?
Diabetes is a metabolism disorder. The pancreas does not create enough insulin to move glucose into the cells. Glucose is used by cells for growth and energy; without insulin, the glucose builds up and overflows into the urine. The body loses its main source of fuel. This can cause high levels of sugar in the blood and, sometimes, extremely low levels of blood sugar. Diabetics who go long periods without eating or drinking can suffer from low blood sugar.
Usually mild, low blood sugar can be treated quickly. Hypoglycemia can become severe if untreated and can cause seizures, diabetic coma and death. Minor symptoms of low blood sugar in a diabetic include confusion, clumsiness and fainting.
Diabetics who suspect low blood sugar should check their blood sugar levels immediately. Fruit juice can be kept at work, in a purse or in a car in case of hypoglycemia. Non-diet soda can also treat low blood sugar. An 8-oz. glass of milk can also alleviate low blood sugar levels.
Four to five pieces of hard candy is another option to feed someone experiencing low blood sugar. Granola bars are rich in carbohydrates and can quickly raise glucose levels. Additional foods to treat hypoglycemia include 1 tbsp. of sugar or honey, a small piece of fruit and a small candy bar.
Glucose Tablets
Glucose tablets contain carbohydrates to raise blood sugar levels. They are convenient and can work within 15 minutes. There are several name brands available that can be purchased at local drug stores. Glucose tablets can also be obtained from a diabetic's dietitian or physician.