Diabetes Warning Signs in Children
Excessive thirst is one of the first warning signs of children with diabetes. In response to that excessive thirst, there may also be frequent urination. It is important to keep the child hydrated. Since excessive thirst and frequent urination can be symptoms of many different illnesses, so it is important to seek the opinion of a doctor.
Extreme hunger may be a symptom of diabetes in children. It is important to take notice because there is a difference when a child is going through a growth spurt and eating more as opposed to a constant hunger that is seemingly never ending.
Children tend to have a lot of energy and therefore get tired often, but excessive fatigue can signal that something is wrong. Fatigue may be defined by children wanting to sleep more often than what is normal for his routine or by remaining tired even after waking.
Headache associated with diabetes may occur for several reasons. It may be due to hypoglycemia, fatigue or even high blood pressure. Since headaches are a common symptom in many different ailments, it is always a good idea to see a doctor if headaches persist and find out the cause.
Warning signs of diabetes in children includes potential recurring infections. The most common of these infections is urinary tract infections, yeast infections and skin infections. Since diabetes can also cause dry and itchy skin, parents should try as hard as possible to keep the child from scratching. Rather than continuing to treat the individual infection, it is important to find out if the underlying cause is diabetes.
There are many different sensations that a child with warning signs of diabetes may experience. There may be a numbness, tingling or even pain in the extremities. This is due to a lack of proper blood flow to the fingers, hands, toes and feet.
A child may not be able to express all that is bothering her. This may lead to irritability. Fatigue, headaches, infection, high blood pressure and all of the other warning signals of diabetes in children can cause a child to become increasingly irritable.