What Is the High Blood Glucose Range?
Low, Average and High Blood Glucose
There are three ranges for blood glucose--low, moderate (normal) or high. Blood glucose can be measured via a pin prick, where you place a drop of blood on a test strip that is inserted into a blood glucose meter. Blood tests can also be done. A measure of an average blood glucose reading for the past three months can be obtained through a blood test measuring your hemoglobin A1c level. An average blood glucose reading before eating a meal is approximately 70 to 120. High blood sugar is considered 130 or higher after fasting for 8 hours, or a reading of greater than 180 after a meal. People without diabetes after a meal usually don't have blood sugar over 140. Diabetes symptoms coupled with a blood sugar reading of 200 or higher may result in a diagnosis of diabetes. Low blood sugar is below 70. Low blood sugar may be precipitated by excessive physical activity on an empty stomach coupled with diabetic medication.
Factors Affecting Blood Glucose Levels
Many things can affect your blood glucose level, including exercise, hot weather, stress, illness, infection, fasting, the frequency of eating and whether or not high glycemic index foods are ingested. Oral medications and insulin injections for diabetes reduce blood glucose levels to healthier levels.
Supplements for Elevated Blood Glucose
Long-term elevated blood glucose levels are harmful to your health. Weight loss, increasing your level of physical activity and monitoring your food intake can assist in reducing blood glucose levels. A number of nutritional supplements claim to help your body more efficiently process glucose, resulting in lower blood glucose levels. These supplements include chromium picolinate and cinnamon. Notify your doctor of all nutritional supplements and other medications you take.
Types and Symptoms of Diabetes
There are three types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes, which may occur in pregnant women. Insulin resistance may precede diabetes and early treatment may prevent it from evolving into full-blown diabetes. See your doctor if you have symptoms of diabetes, including excessive thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, fatigue, vision blurriness, dry skin, tingling sensations in the feet and difficulty healing from infections.
Long-term Effects of High Blood Sugar
Long-term effects of high blood sugar can include heart disease, kidney disease and problems with feet, nerves and vision. People being treated for high blood sugar should strive to keep their blood pressure and cholesterol levels within normal range.