What Is Januvia Used for?
The Facts
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the amount of blood glucose is too high. The body needs insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas, to regulate blood glucose levels. Diabetes develops when there is a problem with the production of insulin in the body. There are different types of diabetes that affect people, but type 2 diabetes is the most common. Some people with this disease may need to regulate blood glucose levels by taking Januvia.
Certain risk factors such as genetics, age, obesity, race, inactivity or high blood pressure can increase a person's chance of developing this disease (see Resources).
Januvia is a prescription pill taken once a day by some adults with type 2 diabetes. Januvia is a type of diabetes medicine known as a DPP-4 blocker. It can help the body regulate blood glucose levels in two ways. In people with type 2 diabetes, the medication can either raise the insulin produced in the pancreas or it can minimize the amount of sugar manufactured by the liver (see Resources). Januvia functions only when there is an elevation in blood sugar levels.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2007 statistics showed that 90 to 95 percent of the diagnosed diabetes cases were type 2 diabetes. Controlling blood sugar levels is important because, if left unmanaged or untreated, it can lead to health problem of the heart, eyes, blood vessels, nerves and kidneys.
Managing type 2 diabetes does not only involve taking a medication like Januvia but also includes a healthy lifestyle. Eating the appropriate foods, maintaining a healthy weight and daily exercise are also necessary.
Side Effects/Interactions
Taking Januvia can produce some possible side effects such as sore throat, nausea, headache, stomach problems and diarrhea. Some people may also experience more serious side effects like rashes, hives and swelling of the mouth. These can indicate an allergic reaction.
People taking digoxin should tell their health care provider before using Januvia. Likewise, individuals who use medications such as aspirin, sulfa drugs or beta-blockers should also tell their doctor. Using these medications with Januvia may possibly lower blood glucose levels too much.
Do not use Januvia if you have type 1 diabetes, kidney disease, are allergic to Januvia or suffer from diabetic ketoacidosis. People on dialysis should speak with their physician as well. Those who have an allergic reaction to Januvia should seek emergency medical attention. Follow your doctor's orders and take Januvia precisely as prescribed. Your doctor may perform blood test to monitor kidney function and see if the medication is working for you.