What are the Symptoms of Hyper Diabetes?
Diabetes presents when the ability to create insulin is greatly diminished. Insulin is needed to produce body cells to flush glucose molecules from the blood. If blood glucose levels are too high, the risk of hyper diabetes is greatly increased.
One usually associates diabetes with having too much blood sugar in the system, but there are two types of diabetes determined by the amount of glucose in the blood. Hyperglycemia presents when there is a high level of glucose found in the blood system. Hypoglycemia presents when the level of glucose in the blood is too low. Treatment for each form of diabetes differs because such treatment must specifically address the loss or excess of blood sugar in the system.
Classic Symptoms
Classic symptoms of hyperglycemia diabetes are found in all diabetes patients. They include frequent hunger, urination and thirst. Although each of these symptoms does not necessarily lead to a diabetes diagnosis, taken together they form an aggregate of significant signs that is most likely caused by hyperglycemia.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms related to hyperglycemia diabetes include blurred vision, fatigue, weight loss, the inability to heal wounds properly, dry mouth, dry or itchy skin, male impotence and the propensity to contract infections such as vaginal yeast infections, groin rashes or external ear infections.
How It Works
Frequent hunger results because diabetics cannot regulate glucose in such a way that it becomes a source of energy in the blood cells. The cells cannot absorb the glucose and turn it into fuel. When there is a high count of glucose molecules in the blood, these molecules are more likely to be flushed into the urine. This means that the glucose exits the blood once it enters the kidneys and cannot be absorbed back into the blood. The excess glucose is transformed into urine, causing water molecules that create the frequent problems with urination. Because of the frequent urination, the patient experiences the next classic symptom: thirst. Sensing that it is losing water through urination, the body responds by replenishing the lost fluids. Yet, due to the intake of more liquids, the diabetic needs to urinate, thus creating a cycle of flushing and replenishing fluids.