Symptoms of Having Sugar Diabetes
Types of diabetes include pre-diabetes, type 1, type 2 and gestational (high blood sugar during pregnancy). The most prevalent form of diabetes is type 2. Type 1 diabetes is frequently diagnosed at a younger age, and has been referenced as juvenile diabetes. Diabetics lack the ability to use insulin--a hormone produced by the pancreas that normally breaks down sugar to convert it into usable forms of energy. Symptoms of sugar diabetes can be both physical and psychological.
When sugar diabetes is present, frequent urination occurs. Other symptoms of sugar diabetes include feelings of irritability, thirst, excessive hunger, blurred vision and feeling tired. Weight loss can occur when blood sugar levels are too high. Blood sugar, measured by a simple blood test, and above 126 mg/dl after fasting overnight, signals diabetes.
Heart disease develops easily for people who have symptoms of diabetes that are not treated. Keeping blood sugar levels under tight control through medications, weight loss and lifestyle changes can prevent serious health complications, including vision loss and kidney disease. Many diabetics also have high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure that contribute to overall poor health. Anyone with symptoms of diabetes should be tested. Early intervention can prevent a myriad of related health issues associated with diabetes.
Discuss your symptoms of diabetes with your doctor. Diagnosis is performed with a blood test or a test called an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), which involves fasting then drinking a glucose solution. If blood sugar levels remain high 2 hours after drinking the glucose solution, a diagnosis of diabetes or pre-diabetes can be made.
Diabetes is not always preventable. Some people have a genetic predisposition to developing symptoms of sugar diabetes. Becoming overweight, combined with inactivity, makes individuals more susceptible to diabetes. Maintaining a heart-healthy or Mediterranean diet, combined with regular exercise, reduces the risk of diabetes.
If someone in your family has been diagnosed, or if you have any symptoms of diabetes, it is important to understand that early intervention and adherence to recommended treatment is the only way to improve quality of life, and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. See your doctor if you have symptoms of diabetes, which affects more than 7 percent of our population, including children and adults.