What Causes Indigestion & Tingling Feet?
There are two types of diabetes that an individual can acquire. Type 1 is usually developed in childhood. It is the more serious of the two types, due to the fact that the with this type the body doesn't create any insulin to counteract sugar intake. Insulin is a hormone that changes sugar into energy. Type 2 diabetes is normally developed later in life and is usually the result of diet where sugar intake is too great for the insulin being produced, or the body's insulin production has slowed and can't process normal levels of sugar.
Diabetes can create hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in an individual. Hypoglycemia is when the bodies blood sugar is low. This can cause dizziness, unsteady hands, nausea, sweat, irritability, headaches, seizures, and confusion. This can be solved with food that can stabilize sugar levels. Hyperglycemia is more common with diabetes, and is caused when the blood sugar is too high. One should watch for constant urination and thirst. In older adults, diabetes can create HHNS. When this happens the body tries to rid itself of high sugar by transferring it to the urine. This creates excess urine and dehydration as it does in normal diabetes. However, HHNS can lead to death if not treated quickly.
Diabetes can cause several health issues through the stress that the disease puts on the body. Heart disease, stroke, kidney issues, and vision problems can develop. Heart and stroke conditions are due to bad circulation. This can be signaled by tingling feet, and if this occurs a doctor's appointment should be made. Kidney issues are directly related to diabetes since the disease can damage them and keep them from processing waste. Vision can be impaired if diabetes isn't kept under control, and can lead to blindness in some cases. This is due to a build up of glucose, sugar, in the blood stream. One of the most common problems with diabetes is nerve damage in the body. This can also cause tingling in extremities. This can lead to low blood circulation and loss toes or feet. Gastroparesis can also develop due to nerve damage. This causes the stomach to slow the process of moving food into the digestive system, and creates heartburn and indigestion.
The best way to prevent diabetes is to monitor diet and eat healthy. Exercise also helps. This will keep Type 2 diabetes at bay in most instances. Going to the doctor annually is also a good idea for those that have family members with the disease. This will give the doctors the ability to monitor blood sugar levels and watch for changes. If the body stops producing insulin altogether, with Type 1 diabetes, the only choice is to solve the issue at hand. Insulin shots or medicine will be diagnosed to keep levels with in normal range. Blood sugar should be monitored through a blood sugar device that analyzes a small amount of blood. This can be used for both types of diabetes.
Diabetes is a serious disease that should not be taken lightly. If symptoms are noticed, a doctors visit should be scheduled immediately so that it can be diagnosed. Loss of limbs through poor circulation, blindness due to high sugar levels, nerve damage and digestive complications, and heart disease are the effects of this condition.
With some, the frequent urination and thirst are ignored and put off as caused by some other issue. However, bad circulation and the tingling of extremities normally gets a persons attention. It is best to keep the disease from getting to this point before seeking medical help, since this symptom means the disease has progressed.