What is Eleotin?
Eleotin was first developed at the University of Calgary's Julia McFarlane Diabetes Research Center (JMDRC), which is the leading research institute for Type I and Type II diabetes.
Eleotin keeps blood sugar levels in check by healing the pancreas, improving the performance of insulin receptors and supporting the digestive system.
Since Eleotin makes changes at the molecular level, it takes a while for the effects to become apparent. People suffering from mild conditions can see significant results in a year, while in severe cases it can take more than two years.
Eleotin is made up of different types of herbs, containing leaves, fruit, stems and dried roots of various herbal plants that are considered food items in many countries.
Eleotin is different from Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). Eleotin makes use of the same philosophy and methodology as TCM, but focuses on particular body functions, while TCM aims to heal the body as a whole.