Diabetic Symptoms in Babies
Increased Urination
You may notice that your baby is urinating more than usual. Her diapers may be constantly wet and need changing more often. Insulin, which is responsible for transporting glucose (the human body's main source of fuel) from your baby's blood to her cells, is depleted by diabetes. Without enough insulin, the glucose remains in your baby's bloodstream and builds to abnormal levels. The increased urination, or polyuria, is caused by your baby's kidneys working overtime to filter out the excessive amounts of glucose in her system.
Increased Thirst and Hunger
Your baby may be constantly thirsty. It's not uncommon for parents to assume that their baby is urinating more because he is drinking more. In fact, it's just the opposite: Because your baby is urinating excessively, his body reacts with excessive thirst to avoid dehydration. In addition, although you may be feeding your baby enough, without enough insulin to deliver glucose to his cells, he essentially feels as if he is starving, making him ravenous.
Unexplained Weight Loss
As opposed to the weight gain associated with adult-onset diabetes (Type 2), babies with diabetes will often undergo rapid, unexplained weight loss. This is the direct result of not being able to metabolize glucose. Ostensibly, your baby is not being fed.
Chronic Diaper Rash
You may notice that your baby has a diaper rash that won't heal, chronically recurs or that evolves into a full-blown yeast infection. Wounds, infections and rashes heal slower in individuals with diabetes. This, combined with a constantly wet diaper, makes chronic diaper rash a very common symptom of diabetes in babies.
If your baby seems overly fussy, is crying more than usual, is irritable or even inconsolable, this is probably a sign that something is amiss. If your baby is diabetic, she's abnormally hungry, thirsty and just doesn't feel right. This is her way of letting you know.