Symptoms of Diabetic Retinothapy
Floaters are small spots that move into the line of vision and then back out. This is one of the first signs of the condition.
Some patients experience bleeding in the eyes. They may notice the bleeding during the day or they may see signs that it happened at night while they were asleep.
Blurred Vision
Diabetic retinopathy often presents with blurred vision. The person can have blurred vision for long periods of time or only for a short period of time.
Patients with diabetic retinopathy often experience periods of remission. They have symptoms such as blurred vision and then it disappears, which lets them think the problem passed, but instead it returns at a later period. Doctors recommend that patients get their eyes checked as soon as they experience symptoms.
Not everyone with diabetic retinopathy has symptoms, and a large amount of sufferers exhibit no symptoms until their eyes begin bleeding.
Those with diabetes are encouraged to have an annual eye exam, since the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy aren't always evident. This exam checks for any signs that the disease is present.