Good Carbohydrate Food for Diabetics
Carbohydrate List
Carbohydrate-rich foods that diabetics can safely eat include whole grains, beans and nuts, fruits and milk. Eating these foods in moderation and in combination with other healthy, low-fat, low-sodium foods will help maintain their health.
Whole Grains
Whole grains include cereals such as oats and other whole grain breakfast cereals, whole grain bread, whole meal pasta and brown rice. Diabetics can safely eat these foods to keep blood sugar levels steady.
You can enjoy tasty, hearty meals made with lentils, beans and/or chickpeas. These are rich in soluble fiber and will increase your blood sugar levels slowly. In addition, they are rich in protein and carbohydrates.
Oranges, grapefruit, cherries, apples, pears, apricots, plums and peaches are a delicious, nutritious way to increase your carbohydrate intake safely. They are rich in soluble fiber and increase your blood sugar slowly. They are great for snacks.
Fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt are packed with carbohydrates, calcium and protein. They are also very low in saturated and total fats, both of which diabetics need to avoid.
Rye bread, pastas and sweet potatoes are all excellent sources of calcium, which provide a steady release of energy. These are good foods for diabetics to eat.