Types of Diabetes Tests

If you are overweight, 40 years old or older, or have a history of diabetes in your family, your doctor will probably do a series of diabetes tests to see if you are diabetic. Once the doctor diagnoses that you are diabetic, there are a number of tests needed to monitor the development of your disease.
  1. Fasting

    • The first test doctors usually prescribe is the fasting test. You must fast for 14 hours and then a lab technician will draw your blood.

    Fasting Results

    • If the fasting blood level is above 126 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter), you are considered diabetic.


    • The doctor will perform an A1C test every 3 months. This is to look at the blood glucose average over the previous 3 months.

    A1C Results

    • A1C results are considered good if they are below 7 percent. Seven percent is 150 mg/dL.

    Random Blood Tests

    • Random blood tests are the tests you can do at home by pricking your finger and swiping the blood on a test strip inserted into a blood glucose meter, getting a real time glucose level.

    Ketone Tests

    • Ketones are the byproducts of fat. If ketones are high, the blood sugars are high. Ketone tests are blood tests or urine samples.

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