How to Cook Thanksgiving for a Diabetic
Things You'll Need
- Turkey
- Fresh vegetables and fruits
- Leafy greens
- Tomatoes
- Carrots
- Green onions
- Pumpkin pie
- Water
Consult the American Diabetes Association Food pyramid. You should use less fat and sugar than any other ingredients. Meat and dairy products are allowed, but in small amounts. Fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains should form the bulk of your diabetic-healthy Thanksgiving dinner.
Make traditional recipes diabetes-friendly. Add green vegetables to your favorite stuffing. Instead of sauteing fresh vegetables, steam them with herbs to release the vegetable's natural flavor. Serve a lush salad loaded with all the colors and flavors the season offers.
Serve less carb-centric dishes. If you have stuffing, eliminate the mashed potatoes. Substitute a gumbo and load it with fresh seafood and Cajun spices. Go easy on the sodium. Serve with a hearty whole-grain bread.
Serve fresh fruits and vegetables. Lay out platters of crunchy vegetables with low-fat veggie dip, seasoned with dill. Adorn a side table with fresh fruits and homemade strawberry sauce. Keep serving sizes to 1/2 cup.
Serve homemade pumpkin pie made with canned pumpkin and no added sugar.
Consult with a diabetes consultant before the holiday. Seek advice for the healthiest Thanksgiving possible. When the menu ceases to be an impossible obstacle, you can settle in and enjoy that best part of Thanksgiving--gratitude for loved ones and a healthy life.