Diabetic Skin Disorders
Digital Sclerosis
This occurs when blood sugar levels are not under control. In these cases, the skin on the back of the hands become thick and waxy.
Acanthosis Nigricans
This skin disorder occurs most frequently in overweight diabetics. They will notice raised areas on their armpits, groin, and neck that are tan or brown in color.
Skin Itching
While this condition can be caused by a yeast infection, if it occurs on the legs, the cause is poor circulation.
This is more rare than the others listed here and occurs in diabetics who have poor control over their blood sugar and who have nerve damage. The blisters are usually located on the backs of their hands, feet, fingers and toes.
This will cause light brown, scaly patches to appear. They are harmless and generally do not itch, open or blister.
Bacterial Skin Infections
These may appear in the form of a boil or sty in the eye. They can become red and inflamed, and are painful until treated.