High Blood Sugar Range
High Blood Sugar Range: Fasting
If you are fasting and have not eaten for an extended period before your test, your blood sugar range should be within 60 to 100 mg/dl. Anything above 100 mg/dl while fasting is considered in the high blood sugar range.
High Blood Sugar Range: Non-Fasting
If you have eaten before a blood sugar test, normal range would be within 90 to 120 mg/dl. Anything above 126 mg/dl, even if you just ate, would be considered high. A test immediately after eating is not recommended.
High blood sugar range: Diabetics
Because diabetics have problems processing sugar, their high blood sugar range may be more above the norm than a non-diabetic. A diabetic should speak with his doctor to get specific targets on keeping below a high blood sugar range.
High blood sugar range: Children
Children who regularly test at or near the borderline for high blood sugar range are a greater risk for diabetes than their adult counterparts. Unless they suffer from Type I diabetes, their body should easily process sugar and keep them well below the high end of the normal blood sugar range.
Expert Insight
According to Edward S. Horton, M.D., professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School: "...if blood sugar gets up above 180 to 200, then it exceeds the capacity of the kidneys to reabsorb the glucose, and we begin to spill glucose into the urine. And if it gets way up high, up in the 400s or even 500s, it can be associated with some alteration in mental function."