Genetic Factors in Diabetes

Diabetes negatively affects the insulin produced in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes, commonly called juvenile diabetes, usually occurs in younger individuals. Lifestyle factors such as diet and weight often contribute to the onset of type 2 diabetes. Many individuals increase their chances of getting these conditions because they have many of the genetic factors in diabetes.
  1. Family History

    • One of the strongest factors in diabetes is a family history of the conditions. In general, if your parents develop diabetes, you are more likely to suffer from it.


    • Individuals who are of African American, Mexican American and Native American descent are more susceptible to develop type 2 diabetes.

    Gestational Diabetes

    • Pregnant women are more likely to get gestational diabetes if this condition runs on their mother's side of the family.

    HLA-DR3 or HLA-DR4 Genes

    • If children are white and their parents have these genes, they are at a higher risk for getting type 1 diabetes.

    Mother's Age

    • One of the genetic factors in diabetes is the age of your mother when you were born. Children born before their mothers reached age 25 have a one out of 25 chance of developing type 1 diabetes. Those born after their mothers reached age 25 have a one out of 100 chance of getting the condition.

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