Signs & Symptoms of Diabetes in Children
Urination and Thirst
An increase in both urine production and thirst are the most frequent signs and symptoms of diabetes in children. This is really a cyclical symptom, because the body attempts to rid the blood of sugar through an increase in urination, which brings on dehydration, prompting an increase in thirst.
Many children will also begin to exhibit an increase in hunger. This symptom of diabetes has nothing to do with any change in diet; this is simply a reaction to the cells of the body not being nourished from the glucose.
Weight Loss
With diabetes, your child may begin to lose weight for no apparent reason. Again, this is a result of the cells not getting the glucose. The body then turns to any stored nourishment (like fat and muscles) to feed itself.
Fruity Breath
As the sugar in the blood rises, a child will begin to give off an almost fruity aroma from her breath.
You may also notice that your child lacks the energy he used to, even when nothing seems to have changed. Again, it all goes back to nourishment, and the body's inability to get this nourishment to the cells.