Diabetic Headache Symptoms
Pain on one side of the head is a migraine. Pain on both sides of the head is a headache. People with Type 2 diabetes are prone to getting both migraines and headaches. Mild headaches are usual. Sudden intense headaches or migraines when you are a diabetic means that you need to contact a doctor immediately.-
People with Type 2 diabetes are more prone to getting glaucoma than non-diabetics or even Type 1 diabetics. Symptoms are a piercing headache centered in the eye, blurred vision and seeing strange flashes or spots of light.
Diabetics are prone to blood clots. Stroke symptoms include a terrible headache or migraine, dizziness, numbness in the limbs, slurred speech and one side of the face drooping.
Diabetic Coma
This is potentially lethal. It begins as a terrible headache with confusion, increased thirst, increased urination and dizziness.
Drug Side Effects
A diabetic may not be able to handle certain medications such as steroids, Avandia or antidepressants known to have people gain weight. This would lead to diabetic coma symptoms.
Any sort of infection may be causing the migraine or bad headache. The infection will need to be treated promptly.